New Leaf

Submitted by K Norton on Thu, 03/12/2020 - 21:14

New Leaf. Porcupine Mountains State Park, Michigan. This photo was taken with the OM-2S and 50/3.5 macro lens. Fujichrome Provia 100F. Scanned with the Nikon Coolscan V-ED and VueScan. (7 passes plus multi exposure). Processed in Adobe Lightroom.

Fresh Leaf


Living History Farm

Submitted by K Norton on Sat, 02/29/2020 - 21:49

The current Olympus OM and 4/3 kits in the zone-10 Living History Farm.

OM System

OM-4T with MD2, T45 and 35-80/2.8. OM-4T with 35/2, OM-2S with 35/2.8, OM-3Ti with 24/2.8. 300/4.5, 200/4, 1.4x Teleconverter, 100/2.8, 100/2, (2) 50/1.4, (2) 50/1.8, 28/2 and 21/3.5.


4/3 System

The Zone-10 Olympus 4/3 System Living History Farm. E-1 with 40-150, E-3, E-1 with 14-54, Lumix DMC-L1 with OM Zuiko 50/1.4, E-400 with 14-42, E-300 with 14-42.


The Golden Child - Olympus OM-3Ti with Zuiko 35-80/2.8 Zoom

Submitted by K Norton on Fri, 02/07/2020 - 00:42

The Golden Child. The OM-3Ti was the final pro-grade camera Olympus made for the OM line. The 35-80/2.8 zoom lens was one of the final lenses too. This kit was quite pricy when new - especially for a manual camera with mechanical shutter. The lens is also exceptionally sharp and has amazing bokeh characteristics.

This photograph was taken with the Olympus E-1 with 14-42 lens.

Golden Child

The Boat Graveyard - Homer, Alaska

Submitted by K Norton on Sun, 12/22/2019 - 22:01

Seven photos taken at the Boat Graveyard on Homer Spit. This rather intriguing photo location has far more going on than meets the eye. As it was getting very late (around 11 PM) and this location was occupied by numerous "Spit Rats", I didn't want to lolligag around too much. All photos were taken with the Canon 6D with OM Zuiko 35/2. Image processing to taste to accentuate the strange nature of the location.

Boat Parade - Frozen in Time

Boat Parade - Frozen in Time. Canon 6D with OMZ 35/2 lens. ISO 100, F5.6, 1/125.


Old Fishing Boat

Old Fishing Boat. Canon 6D with OM Zuiko 35/2 lens. ISO 2000, F5.6, 1/250.


Bus, Buoys, Boats

Bus, Buoys and Boats. Canon 6D with 35/2 lens. (heavily cropped). ISO 1000, F2, 1/250


Testla Cyberbus

The Tesla Cyberbus prototype? Canon 6D with OMZ 35/2 lens (cropped). ISO 640, F2, 1/125


Painted Hull

Painted Hull. Canon 6D with OMZ 35/2 lens. ISO 800, F4 (guesstimate), 1/125.


Fishing Gear and Red Paint

Fishing Gear and Old Red Paint. Canon 6D with OMZ 35/2 lens. ISO 1000, F2, 1/125


Boat and Buoys

Boat and Buoys. Canon 6D with OMZ 35/2 lens. ISO 640, F2, 1/125